Coiffeuse: Noun - a woman hairdresser
hairdresser, hairstylist, styler, stylist - someone who cuts or beautifies hair
Let's see.
Celebrity - check
Actress - check
In the public eye - check
Paparazzi target - check
A known fashionista - check
High fabulosity quotient - check
Outstanding Golden Globe appearance - Na ah.
Sienna, you silly girl. Did no one tell you about a new invention? It's called a comb. My advice? Lose the braid, dahling. You look like Hitler's girlfriend, Eva Braun. That's not a good association. Take my word for it.

hairdresser, hairstylist, styler, stylist - someone who cuts or beautifies hair
Let's see.
Celebrity - check
Actress - check
In the public eye - check
Paparazzi target - check
A known fashionista - check
High fabulosity quotient - check
Outstanding Golden Globe appearance - Na ah.
Sienna, you silly girl. Did no one tell you about a new invention? It's called a comb. My advice? Lose the braid, dahling. You look like Hitler's girlfriend, Eva Braun. That's not a good association. Take my word for it.

Oh, Uli! It's not THAT bad. Is it?

Eric hated her hair, too. I thought it had a slight Greek look and went well with her dress. I guess I'm out-voted.
Not really, dahling. There were several blogs that thought she looked outstanding, hair and all.
I live in the Say-outh. We believe in combing. That's all.
Forget the hair! I want the earrings! And I promise to pair them with better hair! ;)
And I agree, her Greek "look" looks more John Belushi the morning after at Animal House! For a (sort of) high-brow event, it should have been styled much sleeker.....Where were her handlers?
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