Harold Dieterle, Season 1 winner. (Ep.1 Quickfire & Elimination)

Hiroshi Shima, sushi chef. (Ep.2 Quickfire)

Ming Tsai, chef, restaurateur and television personality. (Ep.2 Elimination)

Stephen Bugarelli, TGIF senior executive chef. (Ep.3 Elimination)

Suzanne Goin, chef and restaurateur. (Ep.4 Quickfire & Elimination)

Anthony Bourdain, chef, author and television personality. (Ep.6 Elimination)

Raphael Lunetta, chef and restaurateur. (Ep.7 Quickfire & Elimination)

Kristen Woodward, mixologist. (Ep.8 Quickfire)

Lee Hefter, chef. (Ep.8 Elimination)

Ted Allen, chef and television personality. (Ep.8 Elimination, Ep.9 Quickfire & Elimination)

Mike Yakura, chef. (Ep.10 Quickfire & Elimination)

Eric Ripert, chef and restaurateur (Ep.11 Quickfire & Elimination

Alan Wong, charming chef (Ep. 12 Quickfire & Elimination)

Click HERE to VOTE! You can vote for three chefs at a time!
You can also vote every day! Yeah.
Thank you, Java Junkie, for this idea!
You can also vote every day! Yeah.
Thank you, Java Junkie, for this idea!
I had no idea how hard it would be to choose...um...ERIC RIPERT!!
A three-way with Suzanne, Michelle and Padma would be totally HOT!
my vote goes to ted allen.
Eric, Ted, and Raphael. In that order.
Well, I think I have to go with Michelle Goin as the hottest, though Eric Ripert comes in a close second.
Eric Ripert is dreamy and just yummy... but I also like Ted Allen. I guess it's my secret love for the glasses. Glasses are so hot. All of my ex boyfriends and ex-husband all wore glasses, including my current b/f. I just can't resist 'em. I think I have Clark Kent Syndrome.
i completely agree jinxy. i also love a man in glasses.
How about Hubert Keller? He actually raters above Eric Ripert in my book, but didn't see him...
You are absolutely right. Hubert is divine. We will pit this Season One judge against the Season Two judge winners. What a bright idea!
(I just took a peek at Hubert. Yum, Yum)
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