You won, Mikey! Who'd have thunk? Your reward for your sterling performance, you lucky man, is an evening with the Hot Beer Girls! Once more, for old time's sake, Mikey, here's the song I chose for you a few months ago. Beer! by Reel Big Fish. Click on the words, wait for the MP3 to download, and enjoy.

Your winning "envious" dish, Trout and Salmon with a Basil Aioli and Asparagus, actually looked yummy. In your own words, you won the quickfire and elimination challenge in one shot! How fertile!
Way to go, Dude! We're rooting for you.

Ms. Place, that is a very thoughtful gift!! I'm sure Mikey will love the unwrapping part!
the picture appears to be elia's roast chicken, not mikey's fish.
You're absolutely right, Christina! Thanks!
I didn't click far enough on Bravo's Top Chef home page to find the actualy photo next to the recipe. Good eyes.
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