One lovely setting
One energetic, impatient, silly looking, snaggle toothed mutt
One alarm clock
One good pair of walking shoes
One Ipod

Stumble out of bed at the crack of dawn when the alarm goes off. Fix a strong cup of coffee and gulp it down for an energy boost. Dress warmly. Put on good shoes.
Catch impatient dog at doorway and beg him to sit still as you click his leash on his collar. Grab Ipod loaded with new audio podcasts.
Dash out the door as dog pulls you to his first stopping station. Repeat jerky motions for 1 1/2 miles along the river. Be sure to alternate hands when holding the leash. Dog pulling works wonders on one's biceps!
Repeat with shorter walks after work, after dinner, and before bed. Total human miles walked per day: 3 (dog zig zags 6-7 miles during the same period.)
So far, seven parties down, four to go. Pounds gained? None. Pounds lost? One.
So far, seven parties down, four to go. Pounds gained? None. Pounds lost? One.

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