Dec 29, 2006
Ring in the New Year!

Dec 28, 2006
Project Runway One: Going Postal

And have you noticed how much Danny Kaye enjoyed his more unique movie roles? Here's a photo that, well, er, illustrates my point.

And how cute is the photo below?
Oh, how I love this dynamic duo.
Dec 26, 2006
Christmas Transfixed

Acrylic on recycled cardboard
"Régrette’s work represents the surrealistic side of the Depressionist movement. Despite his Frenchified nom de brosse, he was actually a bartender from Perth Amboy, New Jersey, who longed to break away from his pedestrian surroundings (his driver’s license was revoked in 1914, forcing him to walk everywhere). Régrette originally did clowns on velvet, but he failed to find an audience among the tourists who visited Perth Amboy (usually when they took the wrong turn to Atlantic City)..."
For more about this painter and painting, click here to enter The Museum of Depressionist Art.
Dec 25, 2006
Dec 24, 2006
White Christmas
Here's the clip for White Christmas.
Here are Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye singing "Sisters," one of my favorite scenes from the movie! Merry Christmas, y'all!
Making Tim Gunn's Wish Come True
Well, here's how they look together. Scrumptious!

(This post in no way means to imply that Mr. Cooper is gay: It simply means to say that both men are equally glorious in their own way.)
Eye Candy for Christmas

Parson School's Chair of Fashion Design and Project Runway's voice of reason, the inestimable Tim Gunn

Hysterical PR updates are found on Project Rungay.
Dec 23, 2006
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
">Click here
My Dear Friend Leslie
I lost my best friend Leslie to breast cancer in June and I miss her so very, very much. Leslie loved the holidays. After Thanksgiving she used to get all dolled up in Christmas sweaters, holiday jewelry, and those crazy socks that just rocked her world. My wonderful friend was a walking Christmas cliche, but on her those Christmas doodads looked absolutely right.
This will be my first Christmas Eve in almost two decades without her cheery, comforting, and beautiful presence. Leslie was so beloved by all that over 400 people attended her funeral. There was not a dry eye in the house, but there were also a lot of lovely smiles as we recalled her humor and laughter.
I will be gone during the next few days, so I will leave you with these thoughts:
Hold your family close to you.
Tell your close friends you love them.
Give an abandoned pet a second chance.
Wish for peace in Darfur where the genocide is ongoing. Contact one of the many Lost Boys in your region and give them a phone card that can reach Africa. (So they can call and support those that are left behind.)
Don't put something off for tomorrow that you can do today.
Take one minute every day to live purely in the moment. (Touch, sight, scent, intuitive self.)
Cherish life.
Cherish our environment and all the creatures in it.
Be a loving, caring person to all, even those people you can barely stand.
Be your own best friend.
Here's a cartoon Leslie would have loved. (She was one of those friends who forwarded scads of email funnies every day.)
Opening Presents
It doesn't matter. My friends and family thought of me and that's all that counts. I love the consumables, of course: wine, cheese, fancy napkins, cookies, etc. I even love kitschy stuff like salt and pepper shakers in the form of cows.
Here's a typical Ms. Place reaction to a super present on YouTube. I just LOVE this video because these kids ... well, this describes my family.
Dec 22, 2006
Seen in the Personals ...

Ball-breaking irrational F (52). Very probably just like your mother.
I cannot guarantee you’ll fall in love with me, but I can promise you the best home-brewed beetroot wine you’ll have ever tasted. Now if that doesn’t sound like a fermentor bucket of yummy syphoned lustness I just don’t know what does. Man, 41. Stupid like wow! Box no. 24/04
In laboratory tests, this ad made seven mice blind. The remaining three, however, developed extra-sensory powers and the ability to levitate. You could too, by replying to ex-communicated biologist and psychic-mouse groomer (M, 39) at box number. 24/01 Or you may just go blind. It’s a 70-30 shot but you can’t halt progress.
Loaded tax exile Channel Islands resident seeks attractive well preserved soul mate. No objection to modest gold digger age around 25 below 40 a definite advantage. If you smoke it’s the garage.
Bright Midlands F, 50s, seeks kind, sorted, literate, funny gent for occasional domestic bliss. No smokers, husbands or beer-bellies, please.
Personals, London Review of Books
Time Out

All together now, Ahwww!

It's been a horrible fall for baby hedgehogs in England. Prolonged warm weather this fall spurred their mommies and daddies to procreate one more time. These late litters had scant time to acquire the layers of fat needed to survive the winter, so they are facing a harsh time. Country folks have been asked to help out the tiny hoglets by taking them in when they find them and feeding them.
Click here to see photos of African pygmy hedgehogs.
T'is the Season for . . . Regifting

Last night's NBC newscast said that regifting is done more frequently in the northeast and midwest. Well, I'm from the mid-Atlantic and I regift all the time. I suspect my friends regift as well, and that this gift is a regift. Will it become a re-regift when I regift it?
Here's the script snippet where regift was used in that Seinfeld episode (regifter was used earlier in the show; note, as well, yet another neologism: degift):
George: The wedding is off. Now you can go to the Super Bowl.
Jerry: I can't call Tim Whatley and ask for the tickets back.
George: You just gave them to him two days ago, he's gotta give you a grace period.
Jerry: Are you even vaguely familiar with the concept of giving? There's no grace period.
George: Well, didn't he regift the label maker?
Jerry: Possibly.
George: Well, if he can regift, why can't you degift?
Jerry: You may have a point.
George: I have a point, I have a point.
Dec 21, 2006
Eye Candy

Channing Tatum, 26, is a model turned actor. As far as I'm concerned he never needs to say a word to get his point across. His body movements as a dancer say it all (he was a dancer on Ricky Martin's She Bangs.) He also acted in CSI Miami, Coach Carter with Samuel L. Jackson, and She's the Man.
Can't get enough of perfection? Here's three more minutes of his gorgeous abs and bulging muscles on YouTube. By the way, you can watch his yummilicious Mountain Dew commercial on YouTube as well.
Enjoy, chiclets. And wipe that drool off your keyboards.

Diva Wreath
Recipe for Weight Maintenance During the Holidays

One lovely setting
One energetic, impatient, silly looking, snaggle toothed mutt
One alarm clock
One good pair of walking shoes
One Ipod

Stumble out of bed at the crack of dawn when the alarm goes off. Fix a strong cup of coffee and gulp it down for an energy boost. Dress warmly. Put on good shoes.
Catch impatient dog at doorway and beg him to sit still as you click his leash on his collar. Grab Ipod loaded with new audio podcasts.
Dash out the door as dog pulls you to his first stopping station. Repeat jerky motions for 1 1/2 miles along the river. Be sure to alternate hands when holding the leash. Dog pulling works wonders on one's biceps!
So far, seven parties down, four to go. Pounds gained? None. Pounds lost? One.

Dec 20, 2006
Our New Year's Eve Movie Marathon

12:00 PM - Harold and Maude
2:00 PM - Raise the Red Lantern
4:00 PM - Antonia's Line
6:00 PM - Memento
8:00 PM - Run Lola Run
10:00 PM - Cinema Paradiso
Midnight - Ring in the New Year
12:10 PM Continue with Cinema Paradiso
1:30 AM - Ran
3:00 AM - End of Marathon

Last Minute Gift Idea

Cherry Mistmas and a Bottle of Rum

Holiday Rum Cake
(Recipe sent by friend)
Sample the Rum to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the Rum again. To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat.
1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
Lemon juice
4 large eggs
1 bottle Rum
2 cups of dried fruit
At this point it's best to make sure the Rum is still OK. Drink another cup... just in case.
Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again.
Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit. Pick the frigging fruit up off floor. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver.
Sample the Rum to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Check the Rum. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you canind. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the Rum and wipe counter with the cat.
Eye Candy

I had a request from Eric Three Thousand for photos of Simon Woods, best known as Mr. Bingley in the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice. Boy, were some of them hard to find. But they were worth the effort. So, Merry Christmas, Eric!

This flame haired actor was perfect in the role of Mr. Darcy's good looking and affable friend. Simon's new movies, still in production, are: The Real Life of Angel Deverell and I Want Candy.
Until then, you'll just have to feast your eyes on these yummy shots.