Ohboyohboyohboy! The show's started!

Hurry, dahlings, Westminster Dog Show is on!

Just get me the win, and I'll make you famous.

You regulation size?

Help, I can't see!

How'd that dog get in here? She's not even purebred!

Here's another one!

Don't I make my trainer look ridiculous?

Happy Valentine's Day, Dahling

2007 Winner: James, Springer Spaniel
(Is James a she? Please someone enlighten me)

Here's what s/he won. An empty dog bowl.

How come we never win? We're cute too.
Hooray for James! I'm a Springer grrl all the way.
Man Coulter? My eyes! Promise to never post that vile creature on your blog again unless it's to vilify her as she so deserves.
OMG! What kind of dog is that looking at the tube? Moi - has Bichon, will travel. ;)
My husband gets so mad when people call Camilla a horse-face. Good thing you didn't. LOL He doesn't think she's cute, he just is an Anglophile....
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