Meryl and Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine) meet on the red carpet, with George Takei from Star Trek standing in the background wearing a skirt.
Undaunted, Abigail continues to smile, knowing she showed more fashion sense than Meryl and George put together.
Totally agree. Love Meryl but man, what a mess.
Abigail Breslin was just precious.
George Takei...hahahahaha! Did you happen to hear his bitchslap of Mitch Ritchmond on the homophobic issue? If not, please do yourself a favor and find it on youtube. Freakin' hysterical.
Thanks, dahling, I'll check it out. Stay tuned.
Ms. Potty Mouth,
That was pretty funny. Thanks for the tip. Here's the URL folks. Enjoy!
Abigail Breslin was lovely. Perfect dress for a girl her age.
Helen Mirren was lovely. Perfect dress for a girl her age.
Meryl Streep was... Good thing she has a pretty face and can act!
At least George looked better in his dress than J. Edgar Hoover did in one his frocks.
I'm not sure if it was Ms. J or Jay Manuel who said that Meryl looked like she'd just come from making her own soaps at home. So true.
BTW, thanks for the links, Ms. Place!
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