Lolly must've mistaken their horrified expressions for ecstatic approval, 'cause she recently designed another peeka-boobs top, only this one is for the gravity challenged.

Rorschac Test Dress

Dishrag Dress

Hanging Swag dress. Yikes! I think the model's gonna puke.

Even Lolly gagged when she saw this mess and yelled at her model for "Not working it!"

But have no fear, gentle reader, if La Pepper's fashion career fails to take off, she's already proven her mettle in the party business.

"Lolly gagged..."
Hysterical post. Thanks, Ms. Place
The "candy" model deserved combat pay for that one. OMG, WTH is her aesthetic anyway? The stuff she is doing now is just god-awful and she doesn't have the excuse of time constraints.
Oh, Jesus.
There's a lotta lolly showing in those pics! And I see that Ms. Pepper is softening her look as she gets older - not!
oh. my goodness. that second bare boobs dress ~ gracious. the belle is rendered speechless by this assortment of horrors. ;-)
The best part of Wendy Pepper is her new face.
Ok, I can say this cause I just watched a PR1 marathon (on DVD and cause I have been to ill to do anything other than watch my DVDs), and I can say for sure that Wendy is clearly recycling her designs from the past (and I mean she's copied her own designs from the past). The black dress w/ red trim was another variation of a dress she did before PR, BUT this dress was pictured on TV (on PR) as an example of the type of dresses she did for the Washington crowd -especially. Then that all pink dress looked like the all pink dress she designed for PR OFW. There's more, but I won't make this a huge post.
I think the Pepper is fresh out of design ideas, I have this feeling that she'd trade a designing career for a reality TV star, or anything in the show business realm. Can't say I'm suprised, as her designs don't have a signiture "look" or own unique style, unless matronly is her design aesthetic.
I think the Pepper is fresh out of design ideas, I have this feeling that she'd trade a designing career for a reality TV star, or anything in the show business realm.
Amen to that.
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