Time to slow this blog to a crawl. I'll continue visiting my blogging friends and making comments, so I won't disappear completely, but for the foreseeable future I will be posting once or twice a month at most.

I've thought long and hard about the post that will sit on top of this blog for a few weeks ... and then I found this beautiful heartbreaking photo of a homeless man and his dog. The photographer, Kirsten, explained this photo on
Feeding Pets of the Homeless.
If I lived in Toronto I'd probably try to find this guy or at least buy him some food since his picture is finding its way around. I usually don't give change directly to homeless people - I'd rather go through one of the services that help them - but I wanted to give him something this time because I took his picture...only he and the dog looked so peaceful and comfortable that I couldn't bear to wake them up by putting money in the hat. Kind of ironic.
This is lovely... the picture and the thoughts you had toward it...
In Montreal, many homeless people are chased away from park and street because they have dogs... and people think, Hey.. if they can't feed themselves, how can they feed the dogs???
And I feel those comments being so, but so cheap.... And... if they prefer feed the dog than themselves? Who's business is it? And... if you give a little more for them to feed the dog on top of themselves... or the reverse... who the hell is it hurting?
No... homeless people in Montreal are meant to be alone, with not even the warm touch of a fury friend to hang to... homeless people in Montreal shouls be more than homeless... but also, friendless, in every sense of the word...
You picked a beautiful picture of something that seems a meaningful exchange of love between a poor owner and his happy dog...
Just beautiful!!
Hope you have a restful hiatus.... I'll keep checking in on your various blogs.
I do tend to give money directly to the needy folks, if only to circumvent the administrative fees...
heartbreaking. thanks for sharing. good luck
Ms. Place, I wish you the best. And I think you deserve a little break. You've been a valuable source of inspiration for me and other bloggers. So . . . thank you! :)
A great thought to leave us with, Ms. Place.
I'll dearly miss your blog. It's been nothing short of a pleasure to come here and read your posts throughout the duration of TC.
Thank you for the time you put in to it over all these months. It's been fantastic.
Enjoy your rest!!
Lovely place-holder pic. His dog doesn't care that he's homeless. Mine doesn't care that I'm a Troll who lives under a bridge.
I think I speak for everyone when I say:
Yours are always so imaginative. If we cast votes, I'd bet yours would Win, Place, or Show every week.
Sorry to hear that you'll be less active for a while and look forward to your more active return :)
That is a touching picture...
We'll miss your eclectic perspective on life, Ms. Place, but I hope your break is restful and productive in other areas.
wow, what a picture - very touching to me as a pet owner
I'll miss my daily dose! Enjoy your break!
oh dear. just when i've become myself again, you're going away. this image . . . . wow. i don't think it's possible for human beings to exist without love, and even in the most desperate circumstances, there's that craving to be loved, accepted, held close.
i have to say that i have often found myself frustrated with homeless folk who would take on the responsibility of animals. and now this. you've opened my mind (and my rocky heart) in a different way. it's love and the need for acceptance and comfort. and the dog looks pretty content too.
thank you for this. it's beautiful.
I don't pity them AT ALL because one of those failures of our society just broke into my car and stole my puppy.
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