Before that show begins, Bravo will first air the All Star Cook Off between the Top Chefs from Season 1 and the Top Chefs from Season 2. As if there will be any competition! I predict that the Season 1 chefs will beat the aprons off those wussies from Season 2 faster than it takes to cook a one-minute egg, or I don't know how to binge eat.

My friends, The Finger Lady and Lady Marmalade (both distantly related to the Fruitcake Lady), will also be making guest appearances on this blog to dish the new TC season. Meanwhile, I ventured to ask the following chefs their opinions on the All Star Cook-Off, slated to be shown this Wednesday.
Ms. Place: Dahlings, what is your opinion? Which Top Chef team will win on Wednesday? Season One or Season 2?

They're not very good looking, now, are they? Not a single one of them could do my job, which is to charm the pants off any lady I meet in a supermarket, persuade her to take me to her home and spend the day with me while I cook dinner. Now that takes some talent. To answer your pointless question, Season 1. - Curtis Stone, Take Home Chef

I am really too popular and spunky to relate to these people. I mean! I am pop culture personified. Who are these chefs? Where did they come from? What infinitesimal kitchen will they be promoted to next? Besides, I really am too busy to answer your question, as I've just signed a deal with Halliburton to cook all the food for all our nation's brave soldiers everywhere. - Rachael Ray, One Woman Conglomerate

Ha ha!
Yeah, I think season one has it wrapped up!
Love the observations, a couple more:
Send all of season one, except Tiffani, over to the UK to cook school lunches with Jamie, they can help the kids over there eat healthier an take weekends off on the continent expanding their culinary horizons.
Send all of season two to Gordon, let him whip them in to shape.
Pair up Tiffani with Rocco to open a new restaurant with entertainment, featuring Tiffani the dominiatrix riding Rocco.
That was just TOO funny. Kudos on getting all those famous and semi-famous foodies to comment.
Not sure that Ms. Ray should be feeding OUR troops, though.
The military uses something called Psych-Ops against opponents. One famous example being former Panamanian Strongman Miguel Noreiga. They blasted Motley Crue music at him to get him to surrender. And then fed him bland ham sandwiches on white bread with mayonaise to get him to confess to something.
Seems to me, Ms. Ray could be employed doing something similar.
Can not wait. I think season 1 has it as well. What a great summer it will be.
Success! I'm glad it worked, Ms. Place. Anyway, I'm also looking forward to season 3. And I agree with everyone--season 1 is going to kick some major butt.
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