2. I blog because I work in a serious nonprofit field, where life for our clients is tough and not funny. Yet the people who know me intimately think I am a trip. I needed an outlet for my outrageousness and my funny bone.
3. I blog because I found some wonderful online friends, including Marius, Damselfly and all the gals from Bravissimo (Calady, Brillke, The HoinMo), Laz, Eric 3000, Jinxy, Linda from Surroundings, Big Ass Belle, Gorgeous Thing, Art, Charlus, Miss Xa Xa, the Gals from TC We Cook They Dish, and Big Fella. As my network extends, I am having a tougher time visiting all these wonderful sites, but I try my best because I simply adore what others have to say.
4. I blog because sometimes there is a subject so compelling that I have to write about it. And sometimes the topic is just so silly, you need to share it with others.
5. I blog because I love searching the net and making connections. And because I love Bravo, Trash TV, Reality TV, Pop Culture, and my fellow wo/man.
Thanks for including me, Marius. This was fun.
you blog because you're fabulous, darling. and i, for one, am delighted to have "met" you. you are grand, madame.
Hear here - your fabulosity reigns supreme!
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