All things Colombe have ended in the Next Food Network Star competition. Did she really think her lame dried faux cinnabon with chocolate would fool the judges? Her stadium food - packaged tortilla chips and plastic pre-packaged cheese - could have been made by a kindergartner. She made the salsa all by her lovely self. Meh. No one was impressed, least of all me.
Tommy had a complete meltdown, poor baby. He and Adrien missed their families, but Tommy felt the separation so keenly that he started to mope around. I felt uncomfortable during his on camera demonstration when he let the last few seconds slide by in silence. His humor and warm personality disappeared during the stadium competition as he served his humongous meatballs. Tommy wanted to go home so badly that he sabotaged himself. Well, he got his wish and the judges cut him. I think that deep down inside he was pleased.

Adrien is a natural in front of the camera. His food is often below par, but his bacon wrapped mushrooms had me salivating. Both men absolutely impressed the judges, bless them, and I couldn't be happier that they won.

Someone needs to talk to JAG. The nickname doesn't work. His personality seems tailored to Tae Bo or the Ab-Scissor instead of sinful delicacies. The brow is furrowed for a fight when he should be smiling at the camera when he demonstrates decadent dishes.
I hate to go there, but he'd be better off boosting his accent and the informative lessons on the origins of his of his flavors. He wants to sell sex, but he shouldn't try so hard to project something that already exists in the imagination of the audience.
Agree, JAG's intensity gets in the way of his being a successful on camera person. Adrien is great at it, but his food leaves something to be desired. It will be interesting to see what develops.
Excellent re-cap. I forgot to mention who the winners were in mine. Adrien deserved his win. I guess Jag did, sort of.
I'd never seen the show before, but also noticed Tommy got tears and a group hug while yoga-biotch got nothing. Figured there was a reason.
I'm rooting for Rory with the really nice rack, as of now.
Don't know whether they've annouced in previous episodes precisely what sort of Cooking Show they intend to star in?
I can see Adrien doing a wide variety of things. I can see Rory doing a smaller variety of things. Honestly, I can't see Jag doing ANY type of show I'd want to watch.
If, as RVA Foodie suggests, his method in previous episodes was to "sell sex", I don't see that working out for him.
Too bad Jag just didn't say he was an ex-marine and never finished culinary school. Instead he says he served in Afganistan and graduated culinary school. No one would have cared if he had been honest.
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