Click on The #1 Song on This Date in History. It could be Bobby Vee, or the Crickets (above) or Prince. I never heard of my song before! Just for fun, you can extrapolate and go back nine months and look up the songs your mom and dad were listening to at the time you were conceived!

You didn't tell us your song Ms. P! Mine is Neil Sedaca "breaking up is hard to do!"
You have a knack for finding cool sites. Did you know there's a Barefoot Contessa on the Food Channel? Haven't seen it.
I've actually heard my birthday and conceived-during songs.
"I Get Around" by the Beach Boys.
"Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison.
Oddly enough, Artful Senior did a pretty good Roy Orbison impression, mi Madre was muy Pretty, and I most certainly do
Awesome site. Thanks for sharing, Ms. Place. I remember most of the hit songs from the 80s and 90s.
Linda, they interviwed Neil Sedaca on NPR a few weeks ago. It was great. I also enjoy his music. "Breaking up is hard to do" is an unforgettable song.
Marius, I heard that interview, he was great!
It's still "Sukiyaki."
As a tribute to another awesome blog, I'm "fourfour" next Tuesday.
I was also 3 weeks early, conceived during the Cuban Missle Crisis. I get "Monster Mash."
With all the kitsch, can I catch a break? Wedding? I got Lisa Loeb.
*pulls hair out in chunks; adopts horn rimmed glasses, a guitar and a girlfriend*
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