Rocco: Gawd that must have been hard. I feel for you bro. You move on.
Joey: Looks like yuck!
Rocco: No, Yucca
Joey: Up yours A*Hole!
Rocco: It’s still Yucca, loser. Auf!
Dale: Tastes ah, uh, mmmm, shit, I dunno know.
Rocco: No, taro root, you scatological fool. Begone.

Rocco: We have to take your first word. You’re out!
CJ: I sneezed, A*Hole!
Rocco: Tough, beanpole.

Hung: Oats, neigh?
Rocco: Yes, but you shoulda mentioned Quaker Oats. Never forget product placement.
Tre: Helen Mirren
Rocco: No, mirin. Outa here.
Tre: A*Hole
Casey: I taste fishpaste! Gagmewithdoggiedoocatpisscowurinecoyotebile Ewww!
Rocco: You go girl.

Padma: Taste it Hung!
Hung: Looks like tiny seeds.
Padma: Taste it A*Hole!
Hung: Looks like anise seeds
Rocco: Wrong, celery seed! Scram.
Hung: A*Hole!

Rocco: Wronggg! You’re out.

Casey: Bowtie pasta?
Rocco: So right! You must not be a smoker.

Howie: (Whining voice) Casey gets all the easy choices!
Rocco: Then identify this, A*Hole
Howie: (Sweating) Cheese slicer? (Whew, that was hard.)
Rocco: Girlfriend, steel yourself. What’s this?
Casey: Chayote
Rocco: Willya marry me?
Casey: No way! Eww!

Rocco: Wrong. Thai Eggplant, A*Hole
Brian: Called you A*Hole first, A*Hole
Rocco: Ok, Casey, dahling. take your time. Taste this!
Casey: Roasted red bell peppers!

what...IS....it? that carrot-top-ish THING?!
(seriously, when did that happen? i have been out of the carrot-top loop).
the cheese slicer? BOW TIE PASTA? i groaned at those - not fair, truly.
but casey impressed me. for once.
eeewwwwwww, that carroty thing. yikes! where did you find that photo, woman??
LOL. I love this post! It was funny to watch Rocco's reaction to Casey's victory. He was really impressed with this lovely Texan. I actually felt the same way. It was such a pleasant surprise. I mean, you know how much I want a woman to win. Casey's quickfire win was like music to my ears.
That was a fun challenge, especially watching Hung's ego get popped yet again.
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