Our cheftestants made the best of their two-week hiatus. Chefs Howie and Joey, asked to embark on a little product placement, cruised all over Miami and bonded.

Speaking of Cruise...he dropped in to inspire the chefs with his classic movie ... Caakthal, a masterpiece filled with specialized dance numbers and kaka bar rituals.

Click here to see Tom in the Bollywood/Scientology version of his epic) ...

Awed by Tom's thespian skills, C.J., who resembles Bryan Brown in a taller sort of way...

... embarked on a Bombay Caakthal-inspired taste test with Casey. Alas, she only knew about wine. But as you can see, she winged her way through the competition.

The judges were most impressed with her talents and, voila! Casey's quick thinking in pairing her cocktail with a bold flavored appetizer of french toast baguette with pecan crusted foie gras and raspberry sauce won her the challenge.

Here's Casey celebrating her win.

And here is her reaction when she met her new partners, Howie and Joey.

Poor girl. Poor Howie and Joey. She nearly fixed them with her terrible performance during the elimination challenge. Forget the salt? WTF?
That Caakthal clip is hysterical. I wish the chefs had been just as exciting.
poor, poor girl . . .
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