How boring was this final show? Tell me I wasn't sleeping. The show was fluff. Filler. Nonsense. I did my nails. Walked the dog. And checked other blogs as I waited to find out who won. In fact, towards the end I felt like a zombie.

First, this series went by so quickly that we hardly bonded with some of the contestants that were cut early. Second, with JAG pulling out of the competition, we had one 'real' contestant competing (Rory, who was chosen by the judges) and one default contestant (Amy, who I think should not have been cut in the first place.) Frankly, regardless of who wins, this victory will be a Pyrrhic one. I am typing these words in real time just to allay the boredom.
So, drum roll please. RHrrrrrrrrr!! The winner is ... Brooke Johnson, president of Food Network, announces ... let's stretch it out more ... Bobby Flay hands the envelope to Chef Emeril ... no surprise, according to my two polls ... AMY.

Oh, and she gets a car in addition to a show, which will premier this fall. Congratulations, dahling, I've been rooting for you for a while.
i am kind of pissed. i had to go to a retirement party tonight and got home after the show...then i went on to and there was absolutely no comment as to who won tonight--NONE--NOTHING--
what kind of BS is that, after dragging us all through a whole season.
so then i searched the internet and you are the only reference i found to AMY winning??!!
am i right or wrong.
fuck you.......................
Thank you for your kind sentiment, Anon 11:10 PM. Same back to you, BTW.
Anon 11:09 PM, yeah, I think that the Food Network could be a bit more supportive on its website. This is where Bravo supports Top Chef so well: they announce the winner rather quickly. I'm rather amazed I was the only reference you found.
I have watched every NFNS episode this season and was disappointed in this final show. In fact, NFNS had the best judges and some interesting competitions, but this last show really fell short.
The conclusions of the Scientists here at B.R.A.I.N are:
1) The Finale was BORING and we fast-forwarded that saccharine slopbucket of a show.
2) Food Network's internet presence is abysmal. But they may have held off announcing the winner due to Time Zone differences.
3) It was clear Amy was going to win.
4) Her show won't be a success.
Doctore Ludvig Von Troll
Big Rack Awareness Institute.
The most interesting part of this show was watching Paul and Jag grope each other the whole time! Jag seemed embarassed to be there to me and Paul took over the show with his personality. It made me this that he should have been the winner!
So where was Amy's significant other? She had those cute little kids and lots of extended family, but no mention of a husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend for that matter. And with Rory all we heard about was her cowboy boyfriend, Clay...
I think the judges would agree, Bec, except that Paul's food knowledge was abysmal. JAG didn't even look like he wanted to be there and who can blame him? The set was small and tinny. When family members ran down to offer their congratulations I had already mentally tuned the show out, so I missed that Amy's husband was absent.
I did like the personal coverage of Rory - and thought it touching that she stayed in Texas to be with her cowboy.
I agree with Art, Amy's show won't enjoy a long run. Not because she lacks talent, but because she lacks star quality. Let's see what develops!
Yes! Amy won. Yes, the show was boring. Yes! JAG continues to embarrass himself and it was sad (and somewhat insightful) to see him using Paul as his security blanket. Good riddance to Rory and her rack. Like JAG, she wanted it too badly and contorted herself into an unnatural (and unappetizing) pretzal. Thank you Amy for keeping it real. Her background bio was super endearing. I agree that she may be just a bit too authentic and earnest for Food TV success. But, she had the composure, knowledge, and skills to win. At least for this one moment in TV history, there was justice.
I think Amy is divorced or going through a divorce--no husband mentioned and she wasn't wearing a wedding ring.
The interesting thing about Rory is that some blogs have noted how 'hungry' she is for fame and to be a media star and then we learn that the reason she is in Texas in the first place is she was on ANOTHER reality show that sent 10'city slickers' to Texas to see if they could adapt and she then stayed on. Good Call on that one.
My sweet Baboo, the Java Junkie, watches and enjoys this show. I tried but really could not get into the making of another food star. Watching most of the finale was agonizing but when I realized there was going to be no cooking or a last challenge I had to flip it off. Has this show been nominated for a Emmy?
Of course not, Shamu! Though this show is not as abysmal as some would have it, it doesn't stand out from the crowd. Tell your Sweet Baboo that until that last episode, the show acquitted itself well.
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