Giant Chef Eating Lobster
"Tonight in Hell's Kitchen I was the Lobster Bitch." Truer words were never spoken by Josh, who had been turned into a lobster tool for the Red Team by Chef Ramsay, and forced to fetch live lobsters from a tank whenever a customer ordered the dish.

Josh, the lobster tool
Our sweet Bonnie, not to be outdone by Josh's verbal acuity, exclaimed "Oh FU*K!" when she spied several dozen humongous crustaceans wriggling in a tank. She then screwed up her face, "I like to eat them, but I don't like to kill them," she exclaimed. Er, s'cuse me, cute Bonnie, but didn't you come to cook?

After five episodes I've given up trying to make sense of Hell's Kitchen, so tonight I shall simply spew out some quotable quotes, slap together a few pictures, and say, "To hell with it, I can no longer take this show seriously." It's gone to hell in a handbasket, and I for one no longer care.
Rock was the only person who made sense tonight. When Melissa and her giant zit came over to the men's side, he said, "Melissa's still going down." When Chef Ramsay told the losing Blue Team they would have to pick through rotting, stinking garbage to retrieve the recyclable material, Rock started throwing a tantrum, banging pots, slamming doors, pummeling his fists, and ranting and raving like a lunatic.

But it wasn't that pose that enraged him, it was this one. By this time, he'd had enough!

So the next thing we know the chefs were back in the kitchen, where they were cooking and making a mess of the simplest dishes, like mashed potatoes. Surprise of surprises, Chef Ramsey YELLED at them. Can you imagine? Poor Julia finally became undone, and said:

And so before the fun had barely begun, Chef Ramsey FIRED Melissa. Big surprise. "Take your zit and your crazy hair and get out of my sight," he said.

And Chef Ramsay pronounced, You're Out! You're In! You're Fools! You'll stay.
The three women in the Red Team began to giggle.

And so you shall.
Your recap is "en pointe", after last night I said to myself, this program is just a CARTOON. Ramsey has got to be a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and he must be pulling down a lot of loot for his performance.
The plot has gotten so predictable, and the set-ups are so obvious.
Don't forget, this is a Fox "reality" show, so if the craven Rupert is able to get away with this bogus entertainment and laugh all the way to the bank, think about what he is going to do to the Wall Street Journal when he gets his dirty hands on it.
Two words. KYLE XY. Or maybe that's one word and Two letters. Or a name and two letters. Or...
Anyway, why torture yourself with that HK tripe? Kyle XY rocks!
oh my gosh! i've never even heard of this? or maybe i've heard and my dementia-riddled brain simply let the information sift away.
i'm back down to two hours of television a week (from my top of three hours) because i can't get into hbo's replacement for the sopranos. i am left with Big Love (oh i LOVE Big Love!!) and Bravo's 9:00 Wednesday offering ~ Chef, Rungay, whatever.
but perhaps, perhaps i'll sneak a peek at this? perhaps . . . :-)
I have to say, Ms Place, that your write up made me laugh out loud more than once. Awesome stuff. Your blog has quickly become one of my favorites!
artfulsub - I can't say that I agree with you about HK being torture. Yes, it lacks the elegance of Top Chef but HK is still great television because Chef Ramsay is a star and his motivational methods are very entertaining.
But I do agree with you about Kyle XY. It really does rock!
BABelle, save your precious t.v. hours; cheesesteakdude, I can't wait to read your take on this episode; yeah, Art, it's time I give KYLE XY a try; and big fella, Ramsay's already been fired, according to Ruhlman.
ms. Place, oh then I guess a gotta get over to Ruhlman's blog, I don't usually hang there unless Bordain's been posting.
Oh, Big Fella, I had a brain fart. It was Salon in this link that said Ramsay was gone:
I had posted the info in my Ruhlman/Bourdain post. Sorry to send you in the wrong direction.
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