Six years ago today we all experienced the shock of our lives: 9-11. Who among us can forget that beautiful, crystal clear September morning when terrorists deliberately crashed four planes in New York City, Washington D.C., and a field in Pennsylvania, killing thousands of innocent people? That day changed all of our lives. Today, over 3,000 American soldiers and countless Iraqi civilians have died as a result of this one horrific incident. Lest we forget, I am posting this remembrance. Most poignantly (and not for the fain of heart,) click here to honor those who chose not to face a fiery death. One cannot imagine what desperation led them to make the decision to jump.
those images can never be forgotten. what a heartbreak. it is a double tragedy that we are giving up our way of life with barely a fight. i often wonder how those who died in the attacks would feel about what has happened in this country since then.
It seems like yesterday, and simultaneously like a lifetime ago. Personally, as much as those who lost their lives on Sept. 11, 2001 deserve a solemn remembrance, I can't do it for long without taking a sharp left turn into I-freakin'-hate-Bush Land ...
I'm still moved by these images. This event brought this country together, and it's a shame that Bush has done the opposite--by dividing the nation.
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