Fashion Week. Ah. Beautiful clothes. Beautiful people. Amend that: Tall, thin people in beautiful clothes. I have no idea if I can wear these outfits, but on these walking clothes hangers they look spectacular. Amend that. One has to wonder what Vera Wang was thinking, and if she even likes the shape of the female form. Overall the fashions were conservative and the colors were subdued.

Oscar de la Renta

J. Mendel

Calvin Klein

Perry Ellis

Baby phat

Katy Rodriguez


Vera Wang: Librarian as peasant.

Vera Wang: Librarian in mourning. What was it that Tim Gunn said about cut, fit, and proportion?
all of those outfits are quite lovely and "real-world" ish (though since i am not a walking clothes hanger or stick-girl, they are not for me). but Vera Wang's are awful. How could anyone feel anything but ugly in those dresses?
fashion should be beautiful, attractive, interesting, visually appealing. ms vera's are none of the above.
I made two "lookbooks" at NY Magazine's site, one for faves and the other for misfires. (If you want to see them: A filmy swamp-green skirt topped with a long, drab, gray sweater — designed by Vera Wang — is among the worst looks I saw. It's hard to believe she makes such divine wedding gowns.
what, what a parade of ugliness! especially the last 6 or so. ick!
are you doing a tim gunn post this week? i boo hooed over that one last night :-)
Oscar de la Renta - gorgeous -- fabulous green color but the model looks waxy.
J Mendel - pretty dress but only a few people look good in that color.
Calvin Klein - a sad sack model in a house coat flashing her tootie.
Perry Ellis - a guy in grey sweat pants. meh.
Baby phat - cute if you are age 15-20.
Katy Rodriguez - maternity wear.
Marchesa - the wardrobe for the Corpse Bride.
Vera Wang 1 - the uniform for the Lunch Lady Nun.
Vera Wang 2 - I kind of like this, but the idea of a librarian in mourning look sort of appeals to me!
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