These Ebony & Tin Chopsticks are decorated with inscribed silver caps. The ends are weighted and make it easier to snag your food. I bought 6 ebony and 6 rosewood chopsticks with matching rests for my coworkers. Lovely. Simple. Elegant. Affordable. And packable.
In addition, my host "bargained" the shopkeeper down in price. Most memorable moment? When the shopkeeper pulled out a knife after we beat down the price, and pretended to stab himself in the gut, proclaiming, "You are killing me!"
Na ah. We paid twice the going price and then some.
Here's another great gift for friends and relatives - ten handmade silk wine bottle covers for U.S. $ 1.00. I will purchase some memorable bottles of wine and will wrap them in these exquisite wraps.

Five pashmina scarves

One cashmere Burberry scarf:

Two reproduction Tifanny silver bracelets

In addition, I bought five silk paintings and a few tiny red and green Chinese parasols as Christmas ornaments.
Total cost? A lady doesn't tell. Let's just say that Ms. Place brought some spare change home.
Sounds like you covered all your bases! And got some good stuff. My uncle is married to a Thai woman and when they go back to visit her relatives they always return with great bargins.
Your co-workers and friends are lucky to have such a shopping-savvy friend in you. Nice gifts!
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