According to an anonymous source, this year’s annual Camel Beauty Pageant competition will be especially tough. “Who can choose among all this long-nosed magnificence?” said a nameless Bedouin judge as he stood amidst a braying group of camel-toed ungulates. “They are all worth their weight in riyals. All can spit noxious stomach bile with equal vigor! They all possess the most beautiful, yellow teeth. And I could sing praises to their majestic humps throughout the night!”

Guest celebrity judge includes Joe Camel, who, even after a long absence, is still regarded as one hot, smokin’ dude.

In all seriousness, here’s an interesting link about camels and one to the original news story.
Can't they just have a state fair and a blue ribbon??
Interesting. I've always been fascinated by Middle Eastern culture and traditions. This seems a little much, but I'm happy for the camels.
I think we all appreciate majestic humps throughout the night.
I love Joe Camel.
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